Possum's Gentoo Overlay
This is a collection of Gentoo ebuilds I have created or heavily modified. Note that the gcc ebuild fixes a minor problem that only I have experienced, but it shouldn't hurt to install it. If you have problems with -Os and -ffast-math, please mask or remove the alternate gcc ebuild as I will not accept patches for it as of now.
To add this repository under layman, use the command `layman -o http://possumism.net/files/Overlay/possum-overlay.xml -a possum` or add http://possumism.net/files/Overlay/possum-overlay.xml to your config and run `layman -a possum`
Feel free to browse the repository at http://svn.possumism.net/overlay/
Happy emerging!
Output of ls -ah:
Filename |
./ |
../ |
possum-overlay.xml |